
3D platformer

freelance, think pieces

Refunct Wants To Be Your Friend (Gamechurch)

Video games are only getting bigger and deeper. Complex, branching narratives, layered systems and mechanics, sprawling, detailed worlds begging to be explored—these are becoming the rule rather than the exception to meet consumers’ ever-increasing standards. Even still, I’ve begun longing for simpler, more relaxing experiences as time goes by. Escapism…

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freelance, reviews

RiME – Review (Tech Raptor)

There is nothing new under the sun, and video games are no exception to this proverbial truth. Titles boldly pioneer new mechanics or ideas yearly, but everyone is inspired in some fashion by video games and other media that have come beforehand. While most attempt to quietly imbue borrowed concepts,…

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freelance, reviews

Snake Pass – Review (Tech Raptor)

3D platformers are hard to come by these days. I’m not talking about your typical action-adventure titles with light platforming and collectables as ancillaries, but games that stand on these as foundations: collect-a-thon 3D platformers. While Nintendo keeps the genre beating faintly with the likes of Super Mario 3D World…

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freelance, reviews

Trine 3 – Review (Push Square)

To start on a personal anecdote, this particular editor had the pleasure of playing Trine 2: Complete Story for his first review at Push Square two years ago, and much to our surprise, we were delighted that it was a magical indie title that boasted some of the greatest visuals…

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